Assistive technology
There is a huge amount of assistive technology available for people living with sight loss to help with everyday living.
We have summarised some of the main products below. For more information or to try products you can contact your local sight loss charity (find your local charity on the Visionary website), low vision service, visit Sight Village, or contact the companies directly. Facebook groups for blind users of certain products exist to provide help and support.
We are pleased to also recommend Henshaws Knowledge Village. It has a host of information and useful videos on a range of technology:
Technology available
Screen readers
Screen readers provide a text-to-speech service, allowing visually impaired users to access visual displays. Some computers have a built-in screen reader, there are free screen readers available to download (such as NVDA) or screen readers available for purchase, for example JAWS.
Magnifiers range from small handheld devices, to CCTVs with camera systems that display a magnified image onto a monitor, and screen magnifiers for computers such as ZoomText.
The Perkins Brailler is the classic ‘braille typewriter’. More modern braille equipment includes braille displays, which can connect to a computer or phone and convert the display into a refreshable braille format. Notetakers combine a braille display with electronic braille keys, enabling users to read and write braille in an electronic format. Items such as the Braillenote touch combine a standard notetaker with the touchscreen of a modern tablet.
Mobile phones and apps
Both iPhone and Android operating systems provide voice over and accessibility features. Henshaws have this helpful guide of the 24 best apps for people with a visual impairment
iPads and tablets
Tablets provide a great way to access e-books and audio books. As with mobile phones, they have voice over and accessibility features, and a wealth of apps useful for visually impaired users.
Voice controlled products
Products such as Google Home or Amazon Echo can be hugely helpful to visually impaired users.
Household products
There are a range of products on the market to help visually impaired people with everyday tasks. These include liquid indicators, talking clocks and watches, penfriend, bump-ons, talking scales/measuring jug/microwave. The RNIB shop can be a useful place to purchase these items.
Organisations and companies
Enhanced Vision:
Sight and Sound:
Facebook groups
iPhone and iPad Apps for the Blind:
Blind Android Users:
Assistive Technology for the Blind:
Cool Blind Tech:
Add your details
If your organisation is not yet included on our list please get in touch at and we will be happy to add you to our resources.