- Date: Tuesday 25 March 2025
- Time: 7.30pm to 9.30pm
- Location: Zoom
- Cost: £5
A good night’s sleep is imperative for the whole families wellbeing. Babies and broken sleep go hand in hand, and as the months roll by and your child grows older, physiology dictates that the frequent wake ups should become less.
Sleep runs in cycles and these cycles grow longer in length the older we get, meaning that we not only need less sleep as we age, but night time awakenings should reduce. Hunger, thirst and discomfort are the main reasons children wake during the night and as your child becomes less dependent on requiring this input for longer periods of time, we should see a positive impact on the amount of unbroken sleep, both baby and parent has.
Vision impairment and disability can have a massive impact on sleep, so the importance of developing good sleep hygiene, consistent routines and good bedroom environments are imperative to assist your child to overcoming any barrier to sleep their disability can cause.
This session is for parents of children aged 0-4 who are interested in finding out more about the importance of helping their children to develop healthy sleep habits. We will also cover the implications that visual impairment can have on sleep, whilst looking at how all of our senses can play a part in what happens at night time. We will also cover some strategies that are particularly helpful for young people with sight loss to help them to gain some control over:
1. How to fall asleep
2. How to stay asleep
This session will be an hour long presentation about the ‘back to basics’ of sleep, the impact visual impairment can have on sleep and tested strategies to amend any existing sleep issues that may be occurring. There will be 30 min at the end of the workshop for questions.
Join the workshop to receive a free My Little Morphée music device!
Thanks to the British Wireless for the Blind Fund (BWBF), we we are delighted to be able to offer 12 My Little Morphée devices to the first 12 parents who attend the workshop (the event is capped at 12 screens).
My Little Morphée is a screen-free sleeping device and sleep sound soother that evolves with your child, it features white noise, nature sounds, and soft calming music for newborns, creating a soothing sleep environment. As your child grows, enjoy 192 sessions designed to prepare children before bedtime or help calm them down during the day. These sessions include visual adventures, breathing and relaxation exercises, guided meditations, nature sounds, and soft calming music – all designed to aid children in their emotional growth, concentration, and self-discovery.
Click here to read more about VICTA’s partnership with the British Wireless for the Blind Fund.
Please note to qualify for this offer, your child must be:
- Age 0 to 4 years
- Permanent resident of the UK
- Blind or partially sighted (we will ask for information around their eye condition in the form below)